Paardensport Vlaanderen

Jumping: Resultaten VLP-ruiters internationaal 11/09 - 15/09

16-09-2013 · SVDD

CSI5* Lausanne (SUI)
Grand Prix de la ville de Lausanne – Global Champons Tour
1. Lucy Davis (USA) – Barron 0 – 0  - 0 -  38,57 sec.
15. Jos Verlooy – Domino 0 – 12

CSI4* Donaueschingen (GER)
Class 4 Table A on time 1 m 40
13. Jan Vinckier – Diora de Goedereede 0 – 57,21 sec.
16. Olivier Philippaerts – Zilverstar T 0 – 0  58,67 sec.

Class 5 Table A with winning round 1 m 50
6. Nicola Philippaerts – Donatella-N 0 – 0  44,54 sec.

Class 9 Grand Prix Table A with jump off 1 m 60
1. Gert-Jan Bruggink (NED) – MCB Ulke 0 – 0 – 37,98 sec.
2. Nicola Philippaerts – Quenzo de la Roque 0 – 0 – 39,45 sec.

CSI2* Neeroeteren (BEL)
Grand Prix
1. Patrick Lemmen (NED) – Zycalin W  0 – 0 35.94 sec.
5. Pieter Clemens - Anicmo 0 - 0 37.74 sec.
6. Annelies Vorsselmans - Philadelphia 0 – 0 37.83 sec.
7. Prouvé Bert – Cadida vh Provahof 0 – 0 42.39 sec.
8. Wouter Van Laer – Davinchie van’t Vennehof 0 – 0 42.96 sec.
9.Rossella De Simone – Orson des Hayettes 0 – 4 38.83 sec.
12. Pieter Devos – Darca van de VDG Consult 0 – 4 47.72 sec.
13. Kristof Cleeren – W-Zermie 0 – 8 38.08 sec.

CSI2* Ajaccio
Grand Prix
16. Dag Keymolen – Vas y M&M Z 4 – 1  48.66 sec.