Paardensport Vlaanderen

Topsport/Jumping: Resultaten VLP-ruiters internationaal 07/05 - 10/05

11-05-2015 · BG via KBRSF ·

CSI5* LGCT Shanghai (CHN)

Class 3 Table A against the clock 1 m 45
4. Olivier Philippaerts – H&M Carlito C 0 – 59,67 sec/
Class 4 Longines Global Champions tour Grand Prix of Shangai
Table A over two rounds with jump off 1 m 60
1. Harrie Smolders (NED) – Regina Z 0 – 0 – 0 – 33,57 sec.
8. Pieter Devos – Candy 0 – 0 – 4 – 40,15 sec.
18. Olivier Philippaerts – H&M Legend of Love 0 – 16 – 93,95 sec.
Class 6 Table A with jump off 1 m 55
1. Gregory Wathelet – Oh d’Eole 0 – 0 – 42,51 sec.
9. Pieter Devos – Candy 0 – 4 – 47,75 sec.

CSIO3* Drammen (NOR)

Met 20 strafpunten in de eerste manche kwalificeerde ons land zich niet voor de tweede manche in de landenprijs in het Noorse Drammen. Deze wedstrijd maakt deel uit van de tweede divisie van de Furusiyya FEI Nations Cup. Ons land zit in eerste divisie en dus telt deze wedstrijd niet mee.
Tweede divisie Nations Cup 2015
1. Nederland – 4
2. Denemarken – 8
3. Italië – 12
7. België – 20
  • Chef d’équipe: Dirk Demeersman
  • Damien Plume – Rio de Vains – 4
  • Hendrik Denutte – Anne Rosa – 16
  • Nadège Janssen – S&L Sacramento – EL
  • Karel Cox – Gentleman – 0
Class 79 Table A against the clock 1 m 40
8. Hendrik Denutte – Anne Rosa 8 – 64,58 sec.
Class 84 Derby Table A against the clock
3. Karel Cox – For Fox Heldenlaan  1 – 132,31 sec.

CSI3* Le Touquet (FRA)

Class 7 Table A against the clock 1 m 40
14. Gilles Detry – Uletta van de Dwerse Hagen 0 – 66,58 sec.
Class 8 Table A against the clock 1 m 35
3. Christophe Vanderhasselt – Gino van de Vrunte 0 – 65,04 sec.
7. Vincent Lambrecht – Zafira 0 – 69,71 sec.
Class 12 Grand Prix Table A with jump off 1 m 55
1. Philippe Rozier (FRA) – Quel Chanu 0 – 0 – 41,80 sec.
4. Gilles Detry – Catwalk Capone 0 – 0 -  46,43 sec. (foto)

CSI3* Nörten-Hardenberg (GER)

Class 4 Table A with jump off 1 m 50
11. Pieter Clemens – Thriller P 4 – 71,05 sec.

CSI2* Bonheiden (BEL)

Class 1 Table A against the clock 1 m 30
1. Anthony Wellens – Grace vh Uilhof 0 – 58,24 sec.
2. Alexander Kumps – Emir 0 – 59,82 sec.
7. Nikita Taveirne – Gonzales van Sappenleen 0 – 63,97 sec.
13. Thomas Leemans – Gracchus DM 0 – 69,63 sec.
15. Dominique Hendrickx – Broy vh Hobos 0 – 71,70 sec.
16. Jos Verlooy – Clearwater 5 0 – 72,62 sec.
19. Dominique Hendrickx – Chapeau Valiere 0 – 76,40 sec.
21. Mathieu Van der Kelen – Chat Botte DB 0 – 77,54 sec.
22. Chloé Vranken – Alicante 3 0 – 77,62 sec.
Class 2 Table A against the clock 1 m 40
1. Patrik Spits – Dolce Vita DH 0 – 67,19 sec.
2. Wilm Vermeir – Air Power v ’t Bisthof 0 – 71,57 sec.
4. Perry Geryl – Antigone Quality 0 – 74,87 sec.
4. Dominique Hendrickx – Covia Z 0 – 73,42 sec.
7. Jos Verlooy – Clearwater 5 0 – 77,49 sec.
10. Wim Smet – Goldstar Shining S 1 – 79,68 sec.
Class 3 Table A against the clock 1 m 35
1. Alexander Kumps  - Emir 0 – 60,04 sec.
4. Jos Verlooy – JK Horsetrucks Leasure Z 0 – 64,03 sec.
5. Nikita Taveirne – Usara Z 0 – 64,89 sec.
14. Jos Verlooy – Townhead Campus 0 – 71,33 sec.
20. Talissa Witteboon – Question St. Loise 0 – 73,41 sec.
Class 5 Table A against the clock 1 m 40
4. Niels Bruynseels – Hanna vd Broekkant 0 – 68,42 sec.
5. Jeroen Appelen – Andretti Z 0 – 68,47 sec.
8. Dominique Hendrickx – Chapeau Valiere 1 – 74,87 sec.
12. Vicky Van De Poel – Espero van ’t Hof van Eversem 4 – 64,35 sec.
Class 6 Table A with jump off 1 m 45
5. Niels Bruynseels – Godin vh Molenhof 0 – 0 – 39,29 sec.
6. Patrik Spits – Dolce Vita DH 0 – 0 – 40,20 sec.
18. Jeroen Appelen – Enjoy 4 – 66,46 sec.
Class 8 Table A two phases 1 m 35
1. Jeroen Appelen – Arco Z 0 – 0 – 30,54 sec.
2. Jeroen Appelen – Andretti Z 0 – 0 – 31,48 sec.
4. Jos Verlooy – JK Horsetrucks Leasure Z 0 – 0 – 32,75 sec.
5. Gudrun Patteet – Sea Coast Diamant Z 0 – 0 – 32,95 sec.
14. Jos Verlooy – Clearwater 5 0 – 0 – 35,86 sec.
15. Patrik Spits – Verdi vd Withoeve z 0 – 0 – 35,93 sec.
Class 10 Grand Prix Table A with jump off 1 m 45
1. Jérome Guéry – Famoso d’Ive Z 0 – 0 – 34,59 sec.
2. Niels Bruynseels – Cas de Liberté 0 – 0 – 35,09 sec.
5. Koen De Waele – Gentlemen vh Veldhof 0 – 0 – 41,70 sec.
8. Patrik Spits – Dolce Vita Dh 0 – 4 – 36,87 sec.
9. Jeroen Appelen – Enjoy 0 – 4 – 36,94 sec.
14. Olivier Van Roosbroeck – Ellenoy 1 – 81,03 sec.

CSI2* Samorin (FRA)

Class 18 Table A with jump off 1 m 45
1. Kevin Gielen – Fariska 0 – 0 – 41,83 sec.
Class 21 Speed and derby accumulator C 1 m 35
11. Kevin Gielen – Ciandro
Class 24 Table A against the clock 1 m 40
11. Kevin Gielen – Bufero van het Panishof 0 – 77,18 sec.
Class 23 Table A against the clock 1 m 40
5. Kevin Gielen – Bufero van het Panishof 0 – 70,67 sec.
Class 16 Table A against the clock 1 m 35
12. Kevin Gielen – Ciandro 0 – 67,30 sec.
Class 25 Grand Prix Table A with jump off 1 m 45
1. Sander Geerink (NED) – Robinson 0 – 0 – 43,38 sec.
6. Kevin Gielen – Captain 0 – 0 – 48,62 sec.

CSI2* Palaiseau (FRA)

Class 2 Table A with jump off 1 m 30
1. Frederik Cattebeke – Zirikit 0 – 0 – 39,29 sec.

Class 2 Table A with jump off 1 m 30
1. Frederik Cattebeke – Zirikit 0 – 0 – 39,29 sec.
12. Koen Vereecke – Giant 0 – 6 – 51,26 sec.
Class 4 Table A against the clock 1 m 30
1. Frederik Cattebeke – Zirikit 0 – 58,02 sec.
Class 5 Table A two phases 1 m 35
3. Koen Vereecke – Horst van de Mispelaere 0 – 0 – 33,48 sec.
Class 9 Table A two phases 1 m 30
7. Frederik Cattebeke – Zirikit 0 - 4 – 25,91 sec.
Class 12 Table A against the clock 1 m 45
6. Koen Vereecke – Horst van de Mispelaere 4 – 67,31 sec.
9. Frederik Cattebeke – Bente H 4 – 72,76 sec.
Class 16 Table A with jump off 1 m 40
2. Koen Vereecke – Deister 0 – 0 – 43,22 sec.
Class 18 Grand Prix Table A with jump off 1 m 45
1. Koen Vereecke – Fidaura van het Polderhof 0 – 4 – 34,95 sec.
4. Frederik Cattebeke – Bente H 0 – 4 – 38,47 sec.